Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Namah Shiváya Shántáya

Ananda Marga is an international organization dedicated to the welfare of humankind. It literally means “path of bliss.” It promotes meditation based on the teachings of Tantra.

Tantra is a practical science introduced in India by Shiva more than 7,000 years ago. Shiva who is the Adi-Guru who helps one to conquer one’s lower nature and rise above it into one’s true divine nature and be able make possible the union of the jivatma with Paramatma.

So then, Tantra endeavored to improve the quality of life by transforming one’s life from crudeness to the attainment of Brahma. It is a way of lie that includes meditation, service to mankind, social ethics, and dietary consideration.

Any questions contact:

Ananda Marga Dallas
2355 Trellis Place
Richardson, Texas 75081
Phone: (972) 699-3838
Email: Dada Shubhacetanananda <>
Namah Shiváya Shántáya